Teachers Helping Teachers Blog

24 Best AI Tools for Special Education Teachers in 2024


March 1, 2024


MTI: Professional Development Courses

In this article, we dive deep into how AI technologies are not just reshaping but revolutionizing special education. From adaptive learning systems that tailor educational content to each student’s unique pace and style, to voice assistants and tailored writing feedback—AI-powered tools are setting the stage for more inclusive classrooms.

Gone are the days when tracking student progress was a herculean task, involving mountains of paperwork and endless hours. Welcome to the future, where artificial intelligence (AI) does the heavy lifting, offering predictive analytics and progress reports that shine a spotlight on student performance like never before.

Let’s get down to it. Here’s 24 tools to help you right now in the classroom.

  1. CyMath
    • Summary: CyMath is an expert system for mathematics that performs numeric, symbolic, and graphic computations, providing detailed step-by-step solutions. It covers a wide range of mathematical topics from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus.
    • Usage: Special education math teachers can utilize CyMath to simplify complex mathematical concepts, create interactive lessons tailored to individual student needs, and provide personalized feedback on student progress.

  2. AudioPen
    • Summary: AudioPen is an AI-powered tool that converts voice notes into text, aiding teachers in recording and summarizing thoughts efficiently. It offers transcription services with high accuracy and supports multiple languages.
    • Usage: Teachers can use AudioPen to transcribe classroom discussions, create accessible materials for students with hearing impairments, and generate written feedback for assignments.

  3. Education CoPilot
    • Summary: Education CoPilot is an AI platform that simplifies lesson planning by generating customized lesson plans, handouts, and student reports. It uses machine learning algorithms to adapt to individual teaching styles.
    • Usage: Special education teachers can benefit from Education CoPilot to streamline the planning process, collaborate with colleagues on lesson development, and track student progress through data-driven insights.

  4. Almanack AI
    • Summary: Almanack AI helps teachers manage classrooms effectively by tracking student progress, adapting learning plans, and providing teaching materials. It offers real-time analytics and recommendations based on student performance.
    • Usage: This tool personalizes education for each student by identifying learning gaps, suggesting interventions for struggling students, and facilitating communication between teachers, students, and parents.
  5. Magic School AI
    • Summary: Magic School AI offers an easy-to-use platform for teachers to enhance their teaching methods with AI tools. It provides a suite of educational resources curated by experts in various subjects.
    • Usage: Teachers can leverage Magic School AI to access a library of instructional materials, collaborate with other educators on lesson ideas, and implement innovative teaching strategies based on research-backed practices.

  6. Formative AI
    • Summary: Formative AI assists in crafting new educational materials like items, lessons, and assignments instantly. It uses adaptive algorithms to generate personalized learning experiences for students.
    • Usage: Special education teachers can automate grading processes, gain insights into student performance, and tailor lesson plans using Formative AI.

  7. QuillBot
    • Summary: QuillBot is a writing assistant powered by AI that helps teachers enhance their writing and editing processes. It offers advanced grammar checking, paraphrasing tools, and vocabulary enhancement features.
    • Usage: Special education teachers can utilize QuillBot to improve students’ writing skills through targeted feedback on grammar errors, sentence structure improvements, and vocabulary expansion exercises.

  8. PowerPoint Speaker Coach
    • Summary: PowerPoint Speaker Coach is an AI tool that assists teachers in rehearsing and improving their presentation skills. It provides real-time feedback on pacing, tone of voice, and slide design.
    • Usage: Teachers can use this tool to enhance their delivery during lectures or presentations by practicing effective communication techniques, refining visual aids for better engagement, and receiving constructive feedback for continuous improvement.

  9. io
    • Summary: SlidesAI.io is an AI-powered platform for creating visually appealing and engaging presentations. It offers design templates, image suggestions, and layout recommendations for professional-looking slides.
    • Usage: Special education teachers can leverage SlidesAI.io to design interactive presentations that cater to diverse learning styles, simplify complex concepts through visual aids, and enhance student retention through engaging visuals.

  10. Gradescope
    • Summary: Gradescope is an AI tool that automates grading processes across various types of assessments including exams, homework assignments, and projects. It provides detailed analytics on student performance metrics.
    • Usage: Teachers can save time on grading tasks by using Gradescope’s automated grading features, offer timely feedback to students for continuous improvement, and identify areas where additional support may be needed based on performance data analysis.

  11. Canva
    • Summary: Canva is a versatile design tool that allows teachers to create visually appealing educational materials such as posters, infographics, worksheets, and presentations.
    • Usage: Special education teachers can use Canva to design customized visual aids tailored to different learning styles or accessibility needs of students with disabilities or diverse learning preferences.

  12. Curipod
    • Summary: Curipod is an AI tool designed for interactive lessons that engage students through innovative teaching methods such as gamification elements and adaptive learning pathways.
    • Usage: Teachers can incorporate Curipod into their lesson plans to create dynamic learning experiences that cater to individual student interests or abilities while promoting active participation in the classroom environment.

  13. MindMeister
    • Summary: MindMeister is a collaborative mind mapping tool powered by AI that helps teachers and students visually organize thoughts, ideas, and concepts.
    • Usage: Special education teachers can use MindMeister to create visual representations of lesson plans, facilitate brainstorming sessions, and support students in structuring information for better comprehension.

  14. Scribbr
    • Summary: Scribbr is an AI-driven proofreading tool that assists teachers in checking grammar, punctuation, and style errors in academic documents.
    • Usage: Teachers can utilize Scribbr to enhance the quality of instructional materials, provide error-free content to students, and model proper writing conventions.

  15. Read&Write
    • Summary: Read&Write is an AI tool that supports reading and writing skills by providing text-to-speech, word prediction, and vocabulary support features.
    • Usage: Special education teachers can integrate Read&Write to assist students with reading difficulties, improve comprehension, and enhance writing fluency.

  16. Kahoot!
    • Summary: Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that uses AI algorithms to create interactive quizzes, surveys, and challenges for students.
    • Usage: Teachers can engage students in learning through gamification using Kahoot!, fostering participation, motivation, and retention of educational content.

  17. Grammarly
    • Summary: Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant that offers grammar checking, plagiarism detection, and writing suggestions.
    • Usage: Special education teachers can leverage Grammarly to improve the quality of written assignments, provide constructive feedback on language usage, and enhance students’ writing skills.

  18. Nearpod
    • Summary: Nearpod is an interactive classroom tool that allows teachers to create engaging lessons with multimedia content and real-time assessments.
    • Usage: Teachers can use Nearpod to deliver interactive lessons tailored to individual student needs, assess understanding through quizzes and polls, and track student progress effectively.

  19. BrainPOP
    • Summary: BrainPOP is an educational platform with animated videos covering various subjects that help simplify complex topics for students.
    • Usage: Special education teachers can incorporate BrainPOP videos into their lessons to explain abstract concepts visually, spark discussions, and reinforce learning through engaging multimedia content.

  20. Sway
    • Summary: Sway is a digital storytelling tool powered by AI that enables teachers to create interactive presentations with multimedia elements.
    • Usage: Teachers can use Sway to design dynamic presentations that cater to different learning styles, enhance student engagement through interactive content, and foster creativity in classroom projects.
  21. ai
    • Summary: Otter.ai is a transcription tool that uses AI to convert spoken language into written text with high accuracy.
    • Usage: Special education teachers can benefit from Otter.ai by transcribing classroom discussions for students with hearing impairments, creating accessible materials, and generating written records of verbal instructions or lectures.

  22. Pear Deck
    • Summary: Pear Deck is an interactive presentation platform that allows teachers to create engaging slides with formative assessment activities.
    • Usage: Teachers can use Pear Deck to promote active participation in lessons through interactive questions, polls, and collaborative activities that enhance student engagement and understanding.
  23. ClassPoint AI
    • Summary: ClassPoint AI is an innovative tool that enhances classroom engagement by creating interactive quizzes and activities within PowerPoint presentations.
    • Usage: Special education teachers can use ClassPoint AI to increase student participation, assess understanding through interactive quizzes, and incorporate gamification features to make learning more engaging.

  24. ClassroomQ
    • Summary: ClassroomQ is an AI-powered platform that facilitates classroom management by organizing student queries and providing real-time feedback.
    • Usage: Special education teachers can use ClassroomQ to address student questions efficiently, track individual progress, and foster a collaborative learning environment through instant feedback mechanisms.

  25. FlexClip
    • Summary: FlexClip is a user-friendly online video editor that empowers anyone to create professional-looking videos for various purposes, including education.
    • Usage: Educators can leverage FlexClip’s extensive library of royalty-free stock footage, images, and music to craft compelling video lessons or presentations. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and AI editing features, FlexClip simplifies video creation for teachers of all technical backgrounds.




Revolutionizing special education starts with embracing AI tools. We delved into the ways these innovations customize education, ensuring it’s inclusive and captivating for each learner.

Remember, integrating AI into classrooms opens doors. By customizing lessons to meet individual requirements and employing voice assistants to overcome obstacles, it enhances the educational experience.

Learn More

If you’re interested in learning more about AI tools for education, feel free to join our AI Facebook group, or consider joining us for a graduate course (MTI 580) on AI tools.

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