Course Details

MTI 635: Anatomy and Physiology

MTI 635: Anatomy and Physiology

SKU: MTI-635 Categories: ,



Posted articles, videos and self-selected stories or books.


Course Description:

This course is designed for educators seeking to deepen their understanding of human anatomy and physiology, with an emphasis on translating this knowledge into effective teaching strategies. Throughout the course,  rigorous academic content is combined with  practical teaching methodologies. Participants will explore the intricacies of human biology and learn how to make these concepts accessible to students of various ages and learning styles.  

Learning Outcomes/Competencies:

At the completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Achieve a deep understanding of key concepts in anatomy and physiology, enabling them to confidently address student inquiries and facilitate advanced discussions.  InTASC 4
  • Design and implement engaging and inclusive instructional strategies that make anatomy and physiology accessible and intriguing to all students.  InTASC 8
  • Integrate technology and a range of resources to enhance learning outcomes in science education.  InTASC 5
  • Create and implement effective assessment strategies to evaluate and support students’ progress in understanding anatomy and physiology.  InTASC 6
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching strategies and student understanding, committing to continuous improvement in teaching anatomy and physiology.  InTASC 9

Ordering Options:

Universities, Course Formats & Pricing

Distance Correspondence
Available Anytime

Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.


  • 10 text questions
  • 2 applications
  • 1 action research project
  • 1 essay
  • 10 journal entries
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Price: ​$375

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Price: ​$600

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Price: ​$375