Course Details

MTI 593 EL – Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning

MTI 593 EL – Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning

SKU: MTI-593-EL Category:



Beck, Isabel, Margaret McKeown and Linda Kucan. (2013). Bringing words to life: Robust vocabulary instruction (2nd ed.). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.


Course Description:

This course and its text, Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning, provides educators with a pedagogical framework for infusing appropriate, engaging, and responsive teaching practices in diverse classrooms. The course will provide resources for concrete, practical activities and strategies that address culture and language in five areas: classroom management, academic literacy, academic vocabulary, academic language, and learning environment. This course will empower and excite educators to embrace and place value on students’ culture and language, allowing them to thrive in the classroom setting.

Learning Outcomes/Competencies:

At the completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Understand that culturally responsive teaching goes beyond pedagogy, it relies heavily on the mind and heart. (InTASC 2, 4, 5, 8)
  • Reflect on the importance of responsive and culturally responsive practices in the classroom setting. (InTASC 2, 5, 9)
  • Gain and implement strategies and effective tools to build capacity with academic vocabulary, literacy, language, and situational appropriateness. (InTASC 1, 2, 3, 7, 8)
  • Learn a pedagogical framework for infusing appropriate, engaging, and responsive teaching practices in diverse classrooms. (InTASC 2, 3, 5, 10)

Ordering Options:

Universities, Course Formats & Pricing

Distance Correspondence
Available Anytime

Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.


  • 10 text questions
  • 2 applications
  • 1 action research project
  • 1 essay
  • 10 journal entries
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Price: ​$395

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Price: ​$395