Course Details

MTI 550 Cross – Cultural Studies for Teaching Limited English Proficient Students

MTI 550 Cross – Cultural Studies for Teaching Limited English Proficient Students



DeCapua, Andrea; Wintergerst, Ann. Crossing Cultures in the Language Classroom. University of Michigan Press. 2016. ISBN 978-0472036417

Course Description:

This course focuses on the study of cross-cultural communication as it relates to teaching limited English proficient (LEP) students. The course explores the theoretical foundations of cross-cultural communication and how to apply these principles in the context of teaching English as a second language (ESL).

By the end of the course, students will have developed a set of practical skills and knowledge that will enable them to effectively communicate with and teach LEP students in a culturally sensitive and inclusive manner. Students will have a greater understanding of the role of culture in language learning and be equipped to promote intercultural understanding in their classrooms.

*20 hours of clinical work in course: Included in this course is 20 of the 100 required hours of clinical work for the ESL/bilingual endorsement.
**Clinical hours alternative: As an alternative to the clinical hours you may provide an administrator’s letter stating that you are assigned to classes with English learners and/or in a bilingual setting. If you are using this option you will need to provide this documentation to each instructor in the 5 courses you are taking for the endorsement.

Learning Outcomes/Competencies:

At the completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Analyze and evaluate the theoretical foundations of cross-cultural studies in the context of teaching limited English proficient students. InTASC 8
  • Explore the impact of cultural differences on language acquisition and examine strategies for overcoming cultural barriers in language learning. InTASC 1,2
  • Evaluate and critique the effectiveness of current approaches to teaching limited English proficient students from diverse cultural backgrounds. InTASC 7,8
  • Examine and apply cross-cultural norms, values, and attitudes, and their influence on communication and language learning. InTASC 9
  • Identify and assess culturally relevant instructional materials and techniques to enhance language acquisition and academic success for limited English proficient students. InTASC 2,8

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Online Instructor-Led:
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Available within 1 week of receiving your grade. 


  • 5 discussions
  • 2 applications
  • 1 action research project
  • 1 essay
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Price: ​$600

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Price: ​$600