Colorado State University-Pueblo, Colorado
Earning your masters degree can lead to career advancement while furthering your personal and professional development. However, for many busy educators, completing graduate coursework on a university campus is simply not a realistic option. Fortunately, there’s another option: online graduate-level coursework.
Choosing to earn graduate credits online through an accredited program provides teachers with the opportunity to complete their graduate degrees at their pace — from the comfort of their homes. Pursuing masters degree coursework through online learning also makes earning an advanced degree more affordable. Another benefit is the collaboration that comes from communicating with and learning from other students/professional educators across the country — and around the world.
When enrolling in online graduate courses, you choose when you view interactive lectures and complete exercises and assignments. While you may not be attending class at the same time as your fellow students, rest assured that you will still have meaningful opportunities to connect and interact with other educators in your program and with your instructors.
Deadlines for submitting discussion comments and written materials help keep you on track throughout the duration of each course. Courses are offered in an ongoing, accelerated eight-week format. This means there’s no need to wait until the start of a traditional fall or spring semester to begin earning your masters degree and advancing in your career.
Busy Educators Choose Mti
Midwest Teachers Institute (MTI) helps teachers enhance their professional development with graduate coursework developed by teachers, for teachers. We offer teachers and other educators an inexpensive way to earn graduate credits without sacrificing the quality of course materials or instruction. In fact, we are committed to providing timely, relevant, and actionable information in every course experience, exploring some of the latest theories and concepts in education. With multiple course format options — including distance/correspondence and asynchronous online learning modules — MTI graduate courses are flexible and convenient.
Earn Your Degree Through Mti’s Partnership With Csu
Colorado State University-Pueblo (CSU-Pueblo) partners with MTI by offering graduate credit in association with MTI online courses, including courses from Smekens Education and First Educational Resources.
University Website: CSUPueblo.edu
University Accreditation: Regionally Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) a division of the North Central Association (NCA).
Graduate credit from this university is intended to fulfill requirements for state license renewal and teacher salary lane change. Please obtain proper approval before registering.
Many of our MTI courses may be applied as electives towards a CSU masters degree. Please check with the proper university officials for details.
Masters Degree Elective Verification Letter.
PLEASE NOTE: Midwest Teachers Institute DOES NOT process transcripts. Please contact the university directly.
It is highly recommended that your completed coursework arrive in the Midwest Teachers Institute office via email at least 21 days prior to you requesting your transcripts.
Please check with your school district and state for requirements and acceptance before you register for a course. Courses completed through our partnership with CSU are listed as graduate credit through their course numbering system and will appear in the following format on your university Transcript: ED 501 Course Number: Course Title
Important Steps/Timelines
Always view your unofficial transcript in your student PAWS account, before ordering your official transcript. Posting of grades is not
immediate, to help avoid ordering transcripts with missing courses and/or grades, please verify your unofficial transcripts online first.
You must create an account in Parchment if you have never used this service to order an official transcript, if you have an account set up, please use your proper credentials to login. Your account set up in Parchment is not associated with your student PAWS account, you will need to create a new username and password to access Parchment.
CSU Pueblo Unofficial Transcripts: Instructions to order, click below;
· https://youtu.be/8QQQ4HcPLsk
- CSU Pueblo Official Transcript Online Order:
Registrar’s Office Transcript Phone:
(719) 549-2674- information line only CSU Pueblo is not responsible for incomplete official transcript requests. If you have not viewed your unofficial transcript and placed your order, you will receive your official transcript as is, it will no longer notify you if grades are missing from your transcript. Once you have viewed your unofficial transcript and are waiting for a grade(s) to roll to your transcript you can order with the HOLD option in parchment and once you see the grade on your unofficial you can notify the registrar’s office at 719-549-2261 to release your transcript.
Transcript Support
Technical tips:
Use Chrome or Firefox; other browsers may not be compatible Turn pop-up blockers off
Contact IT for additional assistance https://www.csupueblo.edu/it Be sure to check your spam or junk folder because personal security email settings often keep the email from getting to your inbox. If you contact support, please let them know you are a TEP STUDENT to ensure we understand how to assist you.
We would like to thank you for your registration and for choosing CSU Pueblo. If you have any further questions about CSU graduate programs, the CSU Pueblo Division of Extended Studies can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-388-6154 or TEP Specialist at 719-549-2048.
Colorado State University Pueblo
Division of Extended Studies
Teacher Education Program