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Exploring the Revolution of AI with ChatGPT 4 Custom GPTs

November 21, 2023


MTI: Professional Development Courses

Ever wished you could design your own ChatGPT 4 custom GPTs? Maybe an AI that’s a master in chess, or perhaps one that writes poetry as well as Robert Frost? Sounds like science fiction, doesn’t it?

I’ve been captivated by the boundless potential of AI since OpenAI announced that ChatGPT was available to the general public. Many people complain that it isn’t perfect, but they’re missing the bigger picture, in my opinion. Most game changers aren’t the best version when launched, but every new update unveils more potential, more refinement.

The idea at that time of creating my very own intelligent machine felt outlandish until OpenAI revealed its game-changer: ChatGPT 4 with customizable versions. That’s right, now ChatGPT users can create their own use cases since the OpenAI launch of their newest update.

In this exciting era where we’re on the brink of achieving true Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), we no longer need to be coding whizzes to harness these advanced technologies. With OpenAI’s latest announcement at their first-ever developer conference in San Francisco, everyone can create personalized AI models without needing any coding knowledge!

Hang tight – I’m gonna take you through the ins and outs of this sophisticated tech!

Unveiling ChatGPT 4 Custom GPTs: A New Era in AI

The launch of ChatGPT 4 Custom GPTs marks a new era in the field of artificial intelligence. This launch gives rise to custom models that let developers build highly personalized versions of the chatbot.

OpenAI introduced these customizable versions after achieving a significant milestone with ChatGPT – reaching over 100 million weekly users. What does this new version offer?

The Dawn of Custom GPT Models

A key feature is how they revolutionize AI interactions. You can now create your own custom GPTS without needing any coding skills. You customize ChatGPT with a simple conversation, answering a few questions to figure out exactly what your needs are.

This opens up doors for more specific purposes and uses as it lets you modify your bot according to individual needs. So whether you’re looking for help with board games or need assistance from an AI code interpreter, there’s a customized solution waiting for you.

The Impact of DevDay Announcements

The importance of DevDay lies not just in unveiling these capabilities but also influencing future developments in AI. The announcement sparked excitement among enterprise users and ignited conversations around data access, copyright shield measures, and even ways to customize ChatGTP further.

All things considered, this innovation paves the way towards democratizing artificial general intelligence on an unprecedented scale. So gear up because exciting times are ahead as we dive deeper into exploring everything these unique models have got stored.

Creating Your Own ChatGPT 4 Custom GPTs

OpenAI’s latest version, ChatGPT 4, allows you to create custom GPTs without the need for coding knowledge. GPTs today can cover almost anything you’re interested in, so you can build AI to cover everything from your classroom to a thriving side hustle.

Simplifying AI with No-Coding Model Creation

This is really exciting. OpenAI has worked hard to make AI more available and accessible. Think of it as turning a board game into an app store: now anyone can play and even create their own games.

You might be wondering about specifics here. Well, we have some numbers too. With this new feature, not only Plus but also Enterprise users are able to develop unique models tailored specifically for their needs.

In essence, what used to require intricate coding skills and multiple cups of coffee now requires just a single prompt – much easier on both the brain cells and caffeine intake.

A few of the options to get you started are those that OpenAI launched already, including a few of the following ones pictured here.

An impressive list of tools, again with zero coding required. A few more they are sharing (these are their own free options in the GPT store):

And these are just the options they’re sharing so far. It doesn’t include the ones people are building themselves.


Harnessing the Power of Web Browsing with Custom GPTS

Picture this: you’re using a custom GPT and, like a trusty hound fetching your morning paper, it’s capable of browsing the web. This isn’t some sci-fi movie plot—it’s real. OpenAI has unlocked web browsing capabilities for ChatGPT 4 Custom Models.

The inclusion of internet surfing abilities in these AI models is akin to giving them superpowers. The sky (or rather, cyberspace) is now their limit.

Web Surfing Meets AI—A Dynamic Duo

This integration allows these already robust AIs to pull data from across the web while maintaining privacy standards. Now that’s what I call multitasking.

No more “Sorry, I cannot browse the web.” Instead, expect responses filled with relevant and timely information from across the digital world.

Unique Features and Capabilities of ChatGPT 4 Custom Models

ChatGPT 4, the latest version introduced by OpenAI, has shaken up the AI landscape with its innovative features. Among these are DALL-E and a Code Interpreter tool, which significantly enhance custom GPTs’ capabilities.

DALL-E is an impressive feature that lets users create images from textual descriptions. Think about it – you could just ask your AI to conjure up an image of ‘a two-story pink house shaped like a shoe’, and voila. It’s like having your very own magical artist.

The Code Interpreter tool is another handy gadget in this technological Swiss Army Knife. If you’ve ever been stuck on coding problems or needed help understanding complex code structures, this tool can be a real lifesaver.

But what makes these tools even more powerful? Their integration into custom GPT models. By harnessing their abilities within personalized versions of ChatGTP 4, developers can craft unique applications tailored for specific purposes.

The Power of DALL-E and Code Interpreter Tool

Beyond simply creating amusing images or deciphering perplexing codes, these tools offer immense practical value when embedded in custom GPTS.

With DALL-E’s image generation prowess at their disposal, ‘picture-perfect’ is no longer limited to professional designers. Whether it’s marketing creatives needing compelling visuals or educators seeking engaging learning materials – everyone wins.

Here’s an example of one I created just now. The prompt was simply “a classroom where Santa Claus is the teacher and reindeer are students.”

Not sure if Santa’s math checks out, but you get the idea.

In contrast, ‘code is poetry’, as they say among programmers. The Code Interpreter helps transform those cryptic verses into plain English anyone can understand. The result? A more accessible and inclusive coding environment.

These unique features are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ChatGPT 4’s capabilities. The AI model is loaded with potential, waiting for us to explore its depths. So let’s dive into this digital ocean.

Key Takeaway:

With DALL-E as your personal digital artist and the Code Interpreter making coding easier to grasp, they’re revolutionizing how we interact with AI. And when you tailor these tools into custom GPTs? That’s where it gets really exciting. You get applications designed just for your specific needs.

External Services Integration with Custom GPTS

You know, artificial intelligence is a bit like a Swiss Army knife. It’s got all these tools and features that can help you do just about anything. What if you could enhance the AI with additional capabilities? What if you could connect your AI tool with other services on the web?

This is exactly where external services integration comes into play when we talk about custom GPTs. With OpenAI allowing integration of platforms like Canva and Zapier, the possibilities are truly mind-boggling.

Expanding Capabilities with Canva and Zapier

The beauty of integrating an app like Canva or Zapier into your custom GPT model isn’t just in adding new capabilities—it’s in creating synergy between them.

Picture this: You’re using your custom GPT for marketing purposes, right? And suddenly there’s need for a catchy visual to go along with the creative text generated by ChatGPT 4. Normally, you’d have to hop over to another application (like Canva) and create it yourself. Not anymore.

With integrated apps such as Zapier or Canva,, these visuals get created automatically alongside your text—no additional steps needed. It’s akin to making pancakes while also brewing coffee; everything gets done simultaneously without any extra hassle from your end.

The Future Scope of ChatGPT 4 Custom Models

As OpenAI continues to make strides in artificial general intelligence, the future looks bright for ChatGPT 4 custom models. With its recent launch and growing popularity, it’s time we took a sneak peek into what lies ahead.

OpenAI has plans to offer GPTs to more users in the coming weeks. This is huge. It means that developers will get a chance to create their own customized versions of this powerful AI model. Can you imagine having your personal assistant API or language model tailored just for you? Talk about convenience.

We’ve seen how transformative these large language models can be – they’re like genies granting our wildest coding wishes. But let’s not forget about data access too. In fact, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella himself highlighted the importance of open data platforms at a developer conference recently.

A key feature called ‘model picker’ allows enterprise users and developers alike flexibility when building AI chatbots or other specific purposes using ChatGPT 4. You could potentially build an entire board game with it (how cool would that be?). And remember CEO Sam Altman from OpenAI? He confirmed that making these tools cheaper was on their agenda too.

Paving Way For More User-Friendly AI Models

Infringement claims are always tricky business but worry not; OpenAI has pledged support by setting up something known as copyright shield – so if anyone tries any funny business with your beloved custom GPTS, they’ve got your back.

OpenAI is clearly charting a path towards democratizing AI, and the future of ChatGPT 4 custom models seems promising. Get ready for some exciting times ahead.

Key Takeaway:

OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4 custom models are set to revolutionize AI, giving developers the power to create their own tailored versions. The ‘model picker’ feature offers flexibility in building unique chatbots or games. OpenAI also plans on making these tools more affordable and protects your creations with a copyright shield. So gear up for an exciting future.

FAQs in Relation to Chatgpt 4 Custom Gpts


How do I create a custom GPTs?

To make your own custom GPT, you just head over to OpenAI’s website and follow their simple step-by-step guide. It doesn’t need any coding skills.

Can I create my own GPT?

Absolutely. With ChatGTP 4, anyone can whip up their personalized AI models without getting tangled in code. Here’s the entire process that I used to create a GPT:

A simple conversation starter, where I just provide the idea for the GPT.

Now we have a name.

So now I have a profile picture.

We’re beginning to see the GPT form here, with the main focus covered.

Interactions come into play. I’d always recommend that it doesn’t make things up, you’ll already be fact checking, don’t give it free license to play around too much.

And now it’s ready for me to use. Here’s what my GPT looks like now:


Is custom GPT free?

Nope. Customizing a model does have its costs although it varies depending on the type of user – Plus or Enterprise.

What is a custom GPT?

A custom Generalized Pretraining Transformer (GPT) is an advanced version of AI that you can tailor to suit your needs perfectly. (It’s the example that I just provided above).


Building your own AI model seemed impossible…

Until OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4 custom GPTs entered the scene.

We dove into its features, explored how to create personalized versions without coding knowledge, and learned about integrating web browsing for effective results.

You discovered unique capabilities like DALL-E and Code Interpreter tool that set these models apart. You saw how external services integration with platforms like Canva and Zapier expands utility.

The future of AI is here to revolutionize our lives – OpenAI is making this possible. So gear up to explore more as OpenAI plans to bring this revolution closer home!

If you are looking to learn more, consider taking one of our graduate classes here at MTI. We offer the most affordable graduate classes on the market, developed by real teachers. We even have a course, MTI 580, built around getting started using AI tools.

Unlike other companies, we have zero hidden costs, and we provide the syllabus before you sign up (just click the link to 580 above). Some surprises are good, but they shouldn’t involve your money or time. And we’re many times cheaper than getting that third master’s degree.

Last, if you’re interested in teaching with us, feel free to reach out via any of our social media links, or send an email to [email protected] for more details.


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